More from our ” Hatful of Arseholes” Comp.

Dear reader, submissions have been pouring in from our “Hatful of Arseholes” competition. From as far afield as the Kimberley and Cape York, the submissions keep coming. It just goes to show how strong is the desire for ordinary people to be heard. That’s a very real litmus test of where we now stand post U.S election.

Created by Readiris, Copyright IRIS 2005


This hat was way way too small. What was she thinking!!!

There’s been a lot of talk about the Trump ascendancy being the death knell of political correctness. We at pcbycp are not quite sure. Though it’s hard to assess the flow on effect of this competition already, even at this early stage, indicators suggest there are strong and sustained regional themes. From South Australia, amongst the numerous thousands of submissions we’ve received, there’s a strong case for “a Labyrinth of Lesbians” and a “Clerestory of Cross- Dressers”. From Queensland, “a Catafalque of Cantaloupes, (we think cantaloupe could be Queensland idiom for greenie), and ‘Panoply of Poofters’, which points to some recurrent deep seated homophobia. From the more progressive states of New South Wales, there seems to be a tight race between, and ‘Ossuary of Obeid’s’, or a ‘Crown of Cronies’, whilst in Victoria, a ‘Waffle-board of Wowsers’, and ‘Pseudo-sphere of Smug’s’ seem to be uppermost on the list. We’ve had a recurrent theme of a ‘Grunge of Greenies’, and “Ruckus of (very closely related) Relatives’, from Tassie. But the stand-out seems to be from W.A, where a ‘Miscellany of Moguls’ and a ‘Oligarch of Ore-Gatherers’ is gaining in every measurable way, Not much from the N.T yet, some indecipherable scrawls would suggest at the very least from some sector that a ‘Polymorph of Prisons’ seems to be out in front.


Big-noting hat.

Sad thing about Hillary losing the election, because she really cared about poor people . Barnaby on the other hand is doing what his lobbyists pay him to do. Warning Victorians against the perils of renewables. ‘Renewables will mean cheap electricity and cost jobs’. He’s quite right. Which consumer would want cheap electricity and see filthy archaic coal mining jobs go in favour of renewable industry jobs? Onya Barnaby. Working well for big coal and from what we see in the U.S of A, the strategy works.


This hat must’ve been ” Just Right”!

But the best standout winner from the entire U.S Circus Royale is from the P.M for innovation, thought bubbles, and ideas, Malcolm Turnbull himself. He reckons, Trump’s victory is an endorsement of his vision, which is singular, for ‘Jobs and Growth’. Onya Malcolm, you and your mates from the IPA justified nuking the entire fucking manufacturing industry so that highly trained, skilled technicians could work in call centres or wipe old bastards arses in nursing homes. You’re dead right. There’s gold to be made, (for a few) in the booming arse wiping industry. And that just goes to show. If you had a hat, as Barnaby does, you be able to fill it, with your very own hatful of Arseholes.


Malcolm’s own Innovation Boom Moment. ” Fuck! I thought it shone out my arse’!