More poems of a Sundee

The Boyes Mk 3,  (they stole the blueprints)  being tested by the Peoples Liberation Army in an undisclosed location just outside Taiwan

Dear poetry lover, here’s another one from Geoff, and before we let Geoff claim the line honours, we should like to publish some of the correspondence we’ve received on the Boyes anti- tank rifle and its proud heritage. 

Testing the Boyes Mk 2. Forward defense for the National Centre for Resilience

This one comes to us from Gunner Gungreese, 14 M.G Coy 8th Div who writes; ‘I was readin Geoff’s poem and being reminded of the sore shoulder I got from the kick-back when we fired the bloody thing. It brought many memories back to me. Well I remember when we fired into that Jap tank and it actually stopped dead. We subsequently discovered the enemy had ran out of petrol, but it gave us hope in those dark days of Singapore. As the ‘drums of war beat again’, I yearn for the security and hope offered by these new subs, and the conversion of a row of Nissen huts in the scrub outside Darwin into a  “Centre for National Resilience’!

And this one. 

Historic baked beans tin, Centre for National Resilience, N.T

Having an anti-tank rifle that was not actually good at penetrating anything other than a tin of baked beans was a masterstroke of strategic planning, in as much as the new French sub fleet, ready in 2052, and the 500 million spent on the new AWM extension, ‘Frontier Wars in other Fronteirs  other than our Own’ will keep any would-be agressor on guard. For they will know that to attack Australia, is to attack Australian VALUES!  As it is for thinkers, members of the  intelligentsia and ordinary folk who are not TRADIES! And to do so will involve a slow death by necrosis of the brain- stem’

Yours, Mike Peluzzo, Strategic Policy think-tank Asio Headquarters Canberra. 

Now for something more strategic than square, the box they call  Pandora. Who was she? 

Fer Chrissakes dont open Pandoras bloody BOX!

Rumour heard doing a parliamentary internship with Alan Tudge. 



Pandora’s Box

You don’t want to go there

Don’t want to open up that lid

Better off not knowing

The things inside, you keep hid


He bloody opened it and it’s doin him in just seconds after he bloody went and opened it!

Once let loose, you can’t escape

The corpses and the ghosts

You let them out, you’d best beware

You might escape…. almost


Laid bare the ghouls and goblins

The shades, littering your past

Nothin’ but a trail of destruction

You’d best be leavin’ fast


As a kid he was always full o fun and he could open any bloody box he desired!

Forgotten lies and secrets 

They flitter and they flaunt

Dragging down tomorrow

Coming back to haunt


They mock your past, your future

Revealing all your shame

Demons, fiends and phantoms

And other things you can’t name


But Pandora snared him! This is what happens to clean living blokes who ignore warnings!

You try and try, to shut that lid

To put the creatures back

But they only serve to emphasize

The self-control you lack


But there’s no way that you can win

Can’t shut pandora’s box

The only hope, release the past

Cast away the chains and locks

Pandora’s next victim?