More Poetry of a SUNDEE


Poetry of a Sundee

Budgets are not fer BUDGIN


Federal Government Budget Table. Note T.S* in upper Right Hand Corner. * (Token Sheilah)

In the tradition of the Who’s cerebral ” Love aint for keeping” we bring you this Budget penned ditty. Inspired by Georgie Dent who has been famously told by a staffer in the P.M’s Office that ” no one credible” agreed with her scathing assessment of the Federal budget. Lucky Georgie, she heard it from the horse’s mouth. She is officially a Non- Person. That’s the problem with being a Sheila in Australia between 15 and 50. You’re more likely to be killed in a domestic violence incident than die from natural causes, and you can’t even crack the credible factor. Still, we all know it’s the blokes who do the hard work, they wear high Viz, and they want their Sheila’s to stay at home, look after the kids and have the telly and dinner ready when you they get home at 6.00 pm.



Budgets aint fer Budgin


The Budget is Shit- hot for miners, tradies and car dealers,

But it’s a wok-short of a crock o shit, fer yer average Aussie Sheilah

The blokes who put it together will try and put yer straight

It’s a fair dinkum budget, for any working mate

To the Sheilahs rebuttal; ‘no individual of consequence”

It’s a lay down misere if youse wanna instill confidence

That when the economy’s rooted, and yer nation’s clarion calls

The only people who really matter, are those who’ve got the balls