There are more than mountains to be found on MARS than URANUS. 


Hot on the heals of the Federal Budget it’s encouraging to know that VISIONARY MINDS are keeping the promise of Franking credits ALIVE. But sadly, this is just a subterfuge for the ‘EVIL ONE’ who lurks beneath. Who is the EVIL ONE? Find out in this next paranormal episode.

Dear reader, with the trapdoor open, and our heroes poised above the abyss. Ces and Quent were awaiting the final curtain, and yet, there was still time. Time enough to reason with the collosus who goes by the name of ‘Angus’, and yet, there was no time. With the hour-glass emptying, what could they possibly do?.. find out in this next empathy draining episode. 

In a way, with immolation by drowning, (and some waving)  in raw sewerage we were glad to be the victims of a real  magician.  His  intelligence, as ever, made us glad, that although Australia now had the economic and structural complexity of place like Zimbabwe, (and Zimbabwe has visions of glory) we were glad that it was an Australian who could monetise the disaster of the collapse of manufacturing, the sequestering of universisities  to the status of tech colleges, and the debasement of a peoples thought via the imperitive of franking credits and stoking xenephobia. 

Laurie Connell. In W.A that’s shorthand for FUCKING LEGEND!

In this respect he was an unidisputed FUCKING GENIUS! And to be fair it was good on the Chinese to give the two Andrews’, Robb and Demetriou, Mr Whu, Jamie, Rupert, the man they call ‘Lindsay’, to this collosus of the Kleptocracy. ‘Lord Angus’. In  a way, Ces ruminated, he deserved it. He, above all the pretenders was the undisputed ‘MAN of OUR AGE’!. ‘He Is’,  and Ces paused to consider the weight of his observation;  ’Angus is the Nietschian “ SUPER MAN “ of the new millennia’. 

Given his  stewardship for the Murray Daring Basin into the haven they call ‘Cayman’.

With the new Port of  Darwin deal in the pipeline, and the rolaylties from pipelines of a ‘GAS LED RECOVERY’ to be constructed right across the continent and with the taxpayers covering his arse it’s the  best real estate deal since  COOK LANDED’!  

‘And he’ll stand to make a few trillion just outta REAL ESTATE  on the side.

And with Lawrie Connell as his worshipped idol we knew that in the greater scheme of things Lord Rupert of Murdoch and all his cronies were just chicken feed’. 

But Ces still didn’t get it. What compulsion drove him on, what slice of megalomanic hyper ego compelled him on and on, to just go further, and further? He felt just with seconds to spare he had to question this mastermind, and get at the very least one thread, some answer to the evil that corrupted everything!

‘What for’? 

What’s the point of it all? Dont you ever get bored of monetising everything?

Ces exasperated cried out, ‘We all remember Laurie Connell, the shonkster from W.A INC who greased up to Alan Bond’? Why should that greasy little piece of work inspire you? Australia has always had champions of sleaze and corruption, What made Laurie so special? 

BONDY and LANG HANCOCK opened up the WEST!

‘He was DIFFERENT’, the dull reply

You mean the little shit who got the ten million success fee for shafting Warwick Fairfax, Are you inspired by HIM’?

‘Yep the same’, 

‘The little turd who left Bondy in the lurch after pissing off with his testimonials, are you excited by HIS PATHETIC legacy of GRAFT and CORRUPTION’? 

‘the very same’,

‘The man who singlehandedly made ‘W.A  Inc’ a byword for corruption that would make Vladimir smile, and Terry Lewis a kindred spirit?

‘Yup you got it in one’. 

Luke and Darth both had a stake in ENERGY POLICY!

‘Lawrie,, was’ .. at this Taylor paused, he sniffled, and a tear formed in his eye, 

‘Lawrie’, he choked.

 He was holding something back, it was unsettling to see the Oceanic regions most powerful man consumed by emotion, , 

“Lawrie’, he stammered, he regained his composure, ‘Lawrie,, lalaaauuuuurrrrrriiiiiieeeeee……was MY DAD’!

You could hear a copy of Hansard Drop, 

Treasurer not interested

What will happen next in this turgid tissue-tearing travail of titivating tear-jerkdom? Will Ces and Quent ever get out of this mess? Find out in our next convulsive episode; “A leap into oblivion” or… ‘Two turds don’t make a sewer system”